

The Question I was afraid to Ask

“How can I be sure to trust again?”This is the question we fear answering the most. Fear that having the courage to ask might make us question our investment in a relationship, our willingness to put up with suffering, our willingness to give up what we think we want.The fear of the question is familiar …

The Question I was afraid to Ask Read More »

Are you a Lying scam?

Many people have asked why they should even be looking for a relationship. It seems so obvious that if you really think about it, why not just meet people randomly and see if they are interested?And sure, that might work out OK in the short run. You find out two people both want you and …

Are you a Lying scam? Read More »

Why are we not talking about the little stumbling of opposition to social liberation?

I’ve been thinking about opposition to social liberation and the political/cultural battles that have been won. I’ve been wondering why we don’t talk about the little stumping of liberation.Oppositional struggle is the history of changing relationships — between people, between communities, and even between nations.Oppositional struggle is an ongoing process, which changes and adapts over …

Why are we not talking about the little stumbling of opposition to social liberation? Read More »